Sunday, January 16, 2011

Controversial Billboards

My sister stumbled across a Woman’s Day article talking about 10 controversial billboards.  After looking at them, I see what all the uproar is about.  Here’s the low down on half of them…

1. Mistress Exposes Affair
No one knew that YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles Phillips, member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board were ever lovers.  When Phillips got back together with his wife after the 8 ½ year affair, Wilkins decided she needed to get revenge.  The 3 story billboards were hung around New York, Atlanta and San Fransisco and cost approximately $250,000.  If Wilkins’ plan was to get Phillips back, it failed, as he is still living with his wife Karen and son Chas.

2. PETA’s Diet Plan
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA) usually spread their cause by the use of images of how pigs and other farm animals are slaughtered for processing so you can eat them.  However, this time, PETA decided to tone it down a bit and use a cartoon.  Unfortunately, the cartoon billboard was still seen as a negative one, making fun of overweight people, calling them “whales”.  PETA says that by going vegetarian, you can lose the blubber and therefore save the whales.  With so much negative attention, PETA took the billboard down and replaced it with a board stating, “GONE: Just like all the pounds lost by people who go vegetarian.”  Same message, not so rude.

3. Have an Affair
Having an affair is controversial within itself, let alone having a website that promotes this behavior.  Ashley Madison, a dating site for married people who are looking to have an affair, created a billboard with two, what seem to be, naked people, with the words, “Life is short, have an affair.”  Ashley Madison’s advertisement just added to the controversial topic.

4. Prepare to Die
Thomas B. Dobies Funeral Home and Cemetery uses an elderly lady in a dress that “you’ve always said you would be caught dead in” to warn people that they better prepare for their death now, rather than later- when it may be too late, with the help of his business.  While we can agree that we all will die one day, this billboard is a bit of a slap in the face to us… and anyone who wears dresses like the one pictured.

5. Barack Obama, Jacket Salesman
Although President Obama does wear a Weatherproof jacket, he never knew the company would be using an Associated Press picture of him in it as an advertisement in Times Square, New York.  While it is legal, the White House isn’t so fond of Weatherproof’s billboard as they don’t exploit the president to sell products, making sure he stays fair to all.

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