Friday, January 21, 2011

Controversial Billboards Part II

If you didn’t get enough from my last post about controversial billboards, here are the five more that I promised…

Heavenly Endorsement
Upon walking into a Moe’s Southwest Grill, you are greeted with a friendly, “Welcome to Moes!” from all the employees.  However, this billboard uses God to sell Moe’s, having God welcome its customers.  Now, if God likes Moe’s, it must be heavenly and well liked by everyone else… Except for the pastors living nearby to this advertisement in Orlando, Florida.  After the complaint, Moe’s corporate made the franchise take down the billboard as it violated company policy.

Freedom of Speech
Ellis Miller of Gilmer, Texas, didn’t like how Obama was handling things in the White House so he decided to let everyone know it.  Miller created a billboard asking its passerby’s, “Voted Obama? Embarrassed yet?”  Miller explained that he was “frustrated of how things were going with the health care bill and other aspects of the administration.”  Since Miller is guaranteed the freedom of speech due to the First Amendment, he decided to put this freedom to use and let everyone know how he feels.

Too Much Sex
PETA’s billboard states, “Too much sex can be a bad thing… for little tigers too,” to get the message across that it is important to spray or neuter your cats and dogs to keep them out of trouble.  PETA was smart to think on their feet about how to use Tiger Wood’s sex scandal to their advantage.

Funeral Home’s Heavy-Handed Hit
Bergemann & Son Funeral Services is trying very hard to get customers.  So hard that they are almost trying to get you to your death faster by telling its billboards viewers to come a little closer to their billboard that is on the opposite side of the Berlin subway track from their viewers.

Ring Finger
Drivers on Signal Mountain Boulevard in Chattanooga, Tennessee first think the lady in this ad is giving them the finger.  But with more time to look, they realize that the lady is giving them the ring finger, exclaiming “She’s tired of waiting,” urging those who are thinking of proposing to their loved ones to get their ring at Robbins Diamonds.

1 comment:

  1. moegottaknow Southwest Grill is a fast-food dining restaurant established 20 years ago in the year 2000 in Atlanta Georgia, the US which has now expanded across the whole United States of America with more than 700 locations. Erik Hess is the president of Moe’s Southwest Grill. The restaurant is based on the theme music and provides its customers with amazing musical experience along with the range of Mexican food.
